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Writer's picturePoopin Mah Business

Week 11, 12, 13 & 14

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

I have managed to implement firebase to the console. When sending a command from the console, it will be sent from the webpage to the flask server, the flask server would call the Pusher API to send the message to all "clients", which would be all consoles and allow for multiple consoles to be running on different machines at once. After the flask server is done calling the Pusher API, it updates the Google Firebase. The Google Firebase would be how the server and the bin would read the commands and communicate with each other.

However, There were a few changing requirements in the project:

  1. We are abandoning the self-driving feature of our project due to the lack of time and also due to the complexity of making a deep learning model capable of self-driving. This is because we are only a three-man team, and each of our hands was more than full. Also, we received most of our required tools such as the Jetson Nano and other items late, therefore we had to start our project late and had less time overall.

  2. Since there won't be a self-driving model to run on the jetson nano, we have also decided to run the object recognition model on the jetson nano instead of externally such as a computer. We had originally planned for it to be running off another device that we will call a "server" and then have the server communicate with the jetson nano.

Since the Jetson Nano will be running the object recognition model instead of the server, there will be no need for a server to exist in our project. So, what's left is the bin itself and the console. However, since the bin won't be sending any requests or commands to the server or console, there is also no real need for a console too. The console's only function left is to send commands to the bin, although the bin will mostly be running without the need for an external console. The console now is just a proof of concept, if the self-driving feature is implemented and the project was still following our original trajectory, this would be how we would want it. All in all, we are mostly abandoning the use of the console and focusing our attention on the bin alone.

For the building of the bin, we had to split the 'bin' into two separate builds. There will still be a big version of the bin, however, since we were not able to receive funding to buy the motor and wheels for the bin, we decided to showcase the movement and mobility of the bin on a much smaller scale, with a small circular robot.

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